Our Mission

Is  to address the skills gap in women and youth, developing human resource capital within communities and developing capacities of Institutions to achieve set targets


Our mission is to bring together past and future beneficiaries of its social enterprise programs, other individuals, and organizations under a cooperative umbrella; to encourage the culture of savings, improve access to micro-loans and grants, and to take advantage of economies of scale either as sellers or buyers

Our Impact

The Commissioning Of Water Borehole Project In Ajido Town, Near Badagry, Lagos.  Jointly financed by the Government of Germany, Nigeria and the Development Support Institute

Educating The Youth

DSI is committed to empowering women and the youth through its campaign, which promotes gender equity, and social and economic development.

Women Empowerment

DSI is dedicated to advancing the rights and opportunities of women and girls through its women’s empowerment campaign, which is vital for gender equality and social and economic development.


DSI provides support and guidance to women participating in its training programs to help them succeed. This includes education, coaching, counseling, mentorship, and access to resources.

Welcome to Development Support Institute (DSI)

DSI is a Not for profit/Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to addressing the skills gap experienced by women and the youth as well as the development of human resource capital within communities; to empower Nigerian women and youths economically, politically, and socially through knowledge-based activities and programmes.


Our Mission

Is  to address the skills gaps in women and the youth, developing the human resource capital within communities and developing capacities of Institutions to achieving set targets.

Our Vision

To eradicate poverty through sustainable development programmes.

Our Current Programmes

Educational tools and resources for schools.

Educational tools and resources for schools.

DSI is dedicated to improving the quality of education in Nigeria through its educational book program. This program provides schools in certain states including Lagos, Ogun and Oyo with high-quality educational books that are designed to support student learning and...

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Join our mission. Volunteer, Advocate. Get Involve Today.

Email: info@dsionline.org

Call Anytime: (234) 08096596488